Earl's Pearls

Thought leadership and pearls of wisdom

pearls with angle
C1X Customer of One Experience

Building Your Customer’s Trust

May 13, 2024

Does any relationship start with complete trust? Of course not. It can take years to build a customer’s trust. But be aware, it can take just minutes to lose it!

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Maximizing Profits: The Power of Referrals

May 9, 2024

A referral is the best advertising and great way to be recognized for providing an exceptional customer experience.  But if you want to maximize profits, here is why getting a referral is so much more…

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Customer Interactions a Matter of Deposits and Withdrawals

May 21, 2021

Remember “back in the day” when we used check book registers to write in the deposits and withdrawals made to our bank accounts?  Today, we still note those transactions, though they are recorded electronically rather…

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Exceptional Customer Experience

April 14, 2021

Perhaps you are a subscriber, as I am, to a neighborhood social media platform. On Nextdoor.com, you will find opinions, requests for information, items to buy or sell, recommendations, complaints, and most of the other…

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C1X Customer of One Experience

Are Your Customers Going Elsewhere?

March 8, 2021

Look at the organizations you engage, whether B2B or B2C.  Is it surprising that those companies who are winning are putting their customers first, have the best profits and the happiest shareholders? They are accelerating…

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